A social commentator Wonderful Mkhutche, has described President Peter Mutharika’s decision as unfortunate for the country considering the financial status of Malawi.

On Tuesday, government said a lockdown over the Covid-19 will start on April 18 and end on May 9 but may be extended.

Mkhutche said with no people in the streets and reduced trading hours, it means there shall be less income for already underprivileged homes and it spells economic and social disaster ahead.

He said it would have been better if president Mutharika and other relevant authorities had suggested other ways rather than a lockdown considering the fact that millions of Malawians go to work every day for their daily meals.

“It is not a good decision. There was need to intensify on more quarantine centers and testing. Equip those with good facilities and motivate the medical personnel with good working conditions to have those sick get healed.

“On the other hand, prevention is better than cure. Public awareness on prevention also needed to be intensified. As we will be doing this, we should have continued with everything to avoid the economic and social disaster ahead of us,” said Mkhutche.

On Wednesday, leader for Citizens for Transformation (CFT) Timothy Mtambo said the lockdown approach is not practical in Malawi because of the financial challenges many Malawians face.

On Thursday, businesspersons in Mzuzu and Mangochi held protests over the lockdown.

Today, Lilongwe residents will demonstrate against the lockdown while in Blantyre Limbe, demonstrations are on their way.

Malawi has recorded 16 cases of the coronavirus and has registered two deaths.

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