Here are 5 ways to know if your ex still loves you after a breakup:

1. She still texts you and sometimes admits that she misses you

If your ex is texts you and sometimes even says things like, “I miss you,” or “I’ve been thinking about you. Sunday afternoon’s are lonely without you now,” then there’s a very good chance that it’s her way of trying to let you know she still has feelings for you.

So, if your ex is giving you signs like that, don’t sit around wondering things like, “Does that mean she still loves me, or is she just saying she misses me to be nice? Should I contact her, or should I wait until she gives me a clear sign that she’s interested in getting back together?”

In most cases, even if a woman still has feelings for her ex and wants him back, saying she misses him is about as much as she will reveal.

Women want a man who has the courage to make a move, rather than having to be gently guided all the way by a woman.

If a woman’s ex doesn’t have the courage to do that, she will try to get over him and move on.

In some cases though, a woman will stay in touch with her ex via text in the hope that he picks up on her signals.

She might even say that she misses him to hopefully boost his confidence and make him take action to get her back.

So, if you want your ex back, you need to take control of the ex back process, rather than waiting for her to hopefully ‘be the man’ and make it happen.

Another example of how to know if she still loves you after a breakup is…

2. She is open to catching up with you

A fairly obvious sign that your ex is still in love with you is when she seems open, or in some cases, even keen to meet up and see you in person.

She might act like she just wants to catch up as friends, but that will almost certainly be her way of trying to protect herself from being rejected by you (e.g. if she shows interest in a relationship and you then say that you don’t want that, but are happy to be friends).

Alternatively, to make sure that her ex guy is interested, she will play a little hard to get about meeting up.

For example: If her ex suggests catching up in person, she might say, “I’m not sure that’s a good idea. Give me a few days to think about it, okay?” or, “Okay, maybe we can meet up sometime next week. I’ll let you know” or, “I guess we can do that, but I can only spare 15 minutes and then I have to go. I have something else on that day and I’m busy the rest of the week.”

It really depends on the woman and the dynamic of your relationship.

In some cases, a woman will be openly keep to catch up with her ex and in other cases, she will make it difficult or act as though she is only catching up with him as a friend and has no interest in anything else.

So, regardless of how eager or reserved your ex is being about catching up, you must maintain your confidence and secure an in person meet up with her.

At the meet up, focus on saying and doing the types of things that will revitalise her feelings of respect, sexual attraction and love for you.

When you do that, she will naturally feel drawn to you again and begin to open up to the idea of getting back together.

For example: Some of the ways to do that are by…

  • Passing her tests (e.g. she pretends that doesn’t have feelings for you to see how you react, she is stand-offish towards you at the start, she gives one or two word answers to see if you will get annoyed or lose confidence) by remaining confident in your value and attractiveness to her.
  • Being more emotionally masculine than her, so she feels like a feminine woman around you.
  • Using humour to dissolve any awkwardness between you and her and make her feel good to be seeing you again.
  • Flirting with her to create a sexual vibe and make her then want to release the sexual tension with hugging, kissing and sex.

The more she reconnects with her feelings of respect, attraction and love for you, the easier it becomes to get her back.

She naturally wants to be back in a relationship with you because it feels so good for her to be around you again.

Another example of how to know if she still loves you after a breakup is…

3. She regularly contacts you without you having to contact her first

A woman usually won’t make the first move to get a man back after she has dumped him.

So, if your ex is putting in a lot of effort to text, call or send you social media messages without you having to contact her first, it’s very likely that she still has feelings for you and loves you.

If that’s the case, the texts or contact is her way of opening up the lines of communication with you so and her can get back together.

This is why you need to use the openings she is giving you and arrange to see her in person, where you can fully reactivate her sexual and romantic feelings and get her back.

On the other hand, if you just sit around doubting her feelings for you and thinking negative thoughts like, “Just because she texted/called/e-mailed me without any prompting from me, it doesn’t mean she still loves me. She’s probably just contacting me to see if I’m missing her. Maybe she’s just being friendly and if I misinterpret her motives and try to get her back, I will make a fool of myself. It’s probably better if I just play it safe and wait for her to tell me that she wants to get back together,” then it’s possible that she will get fed up with waiting for you and focus on moving on without you.

So, the next time your ex contacts you without you contacting her, take it is a good sign that she loves you, misses you and wants you back.

Then, pick up the phone and call her (don’t text her), make her feel attracted, meet up with her in person and get her back.

Another example of how to know if she still loves you after a breakup is…

4. She talks about you and the relationship in a positive way

When a woman hates her ex and never wants to see him again, she usually won’t say things like, “We had some really great times together. I know we’ve broken up, but I still have such positive feelings about you and our relationship. You were a great boyfriend. I really loved you. We had a special relationship. I look back on it fondly.”

Instead, she’s going to be angry, disappointed and saying negative things every chance she gets, or she’s going to cut off contact with him and move on.

So, if your ex is saying positive things about you the relationship, then know that she still has feelings for you.

If that has been happening in your case, what are you going to do about it now?

Are you going to wait for even more proof of her interest, or are you going to guide her back into a relationship with you.

Note: If your ex hasn’t been contacting you and talking positively about you and the relationship, don’t worry.

95% of guys who get their ex back start off with a situation where the woman is completely over them and doesn’t want to get back together.

Then, they do this and get her back…

Another example of how to know if she still loves you after a breakup is…

5. She appears sad, lonely or confused without you in her life

When a woman has disconnected from her feelings for her ex guy, she will usually focus on moving forward with her life by hooking up with a new guy and forgetting all about her ex.

For example: She might…

  • Go out with her single friends to bars, clubs and parties where she can let her hair down, dance, have some fun and hopefully flirt and hook up with a new guy.
  • Cut off all contact with her ex and refuse to interact with him in any way.
  • Make herself available to the men she knows are interested in her (e.g. at work, through friends, at university, an ex).
  • Register on dating sites or use dating apps.
  • Go on a singles only vacation, or go to singles parties.
  • Post photos of herself on social media having fun with other guys.

So, if the opposite is happening with your ex (e.g. she doesn’t go much or at all, she isn’t interested in meeting guys or dating, she posts things on social media about how sad and lonely she feels, how life sucks and how much it hurts to be broken up), chances are high that she still loves you and misses you.

So, go ahead and get her back.

She’s waiting for you.

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