Amid the coronavirus pandemic, many people are concerned that their allergy symptoms are actually a sign of COVID-19. However, there are three key signs to distinguish allergies from coronavirus

This week, both temperatures and pollen counts across the UK are set to soar, spelling disaster for the 20% of Brits with hay fever.

Amid the coronavirus pandemic, many people could be concerned that their allergy symptoms are actually a sign of COVID-19.

To help clear up the confusion, Popular Science has created a handy chart, revealing the three key signs to distinguish COVID-19 from allergy symptoms.

PopSci posted the photo to its Instagram page, writing: “Seasonal allergies or #COVID19? Here’s a handy symptom chart to help you tell the difference.”

The chart reveals that allergies and COVID-19 tend to share four key symptoms – a dry cough, loss of smell, runny nose and congestion.

However, the chart also highlights three key signs that you’re suffering from an allergy, and not coronavirus.

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