Minister of Health Jappie Mhango has announced that the cases of Covid-19 has risen to 36 in the country after two more people tested positive for Coronavirus.
Mhango said this morning during an update in Lilongwe.
Mhango said out of the two cases, one is a 47-year-old man from Chileka in Blantyre who arrived in the country on April 18 from Tanzania.
The other one is a 45-year-old man staying near Livimbo School in Lilongwe and has no history of travel.
Mhango said the 45-year-old man from Area 2, Livimbo, Lilongwe developed flue like symptoms and family members called the rapid response team for tests and results came out positive.
“Our team is today going to take samples from other family members. We will do contact tracing for all workers at his business premises and other close contacts,” he said.
As it stands Malawi has 29 active cases, 3 deaths and 4 recoveries.
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