Toni Alamos, a 25-year-old mother, was left terrified and disgusted as she discovered a list of explicit sex toys and techniques in her 5-year-old’s Frozen 2 diary.

The kid’s journal was purchased from Kmart, in Toowoomba, west of Brisbane, by a friend of Toni, completely oblivious to what the last pages were hiding, as Mail Online reports.

Apparently, the diary was filled with pages containing inappropriate content such as lists of lovemaking positions and sex toys.

It was in the form of a directory as if it was someone’s to-do list. Toni’s little girl, Millie, had nothing to do with that, as she received the journal as a present for her birthday, and she still can’t read or write.

On Sunday, Millie showed her present to her aunt, who found out the inappropriate content. She shared with Daily Mail Australia:

“You just don’t check that sort of stuff. If it was in a diary in the adult’s section in Kmart I would have understood but not in a kid’s book come on.”

The horrified mother said she was shocked to find out what this ‘harmless’ present was hiding.

Thankfully, Millie couldn’t understand its content, which was a huge relief for her mom. Ms. Alamos shares:

“She has just started pre-school but she isn’t learning those words.”

And if this situation isn’t bizarre enough, Toni’s brother had accidentally bought the same Frozen 2 diary for her little princess. Luckily, this time it was just a regular journal, perfectly appropriate for a 5-year-old.

According to Toni, the mystery of the unusual diary may be an issue with the manufacturer, as it didn’t seem to be additionally altered. She said:

“There was nothing wrong with the binding because if you mess with that it usually becomes crooked but there is nothing that looks like it has been tampered with.”

When the stunned mother returned the journal to the store, the employees were ‘very apologetic’ about the peculiar mistake, as Toni claims. They even tried to replace the diary, but she decided to keep it, ‘just for the laughs’.

Moreover, a Kmart’s spokesperson genuinely apologized for the uncomfortable situation they have created and claimed they would do a further investigation of the mistake.

“We are so very sorry – and extremely embarrassed – to hear about a customer’s recent experience with our Frozen 2 Diary Make Over Set. This does not in any way reflect our views as a family business and we are investigating this situation as a priority with our supplier. We do hope this is an isolated incident, but have decided to withdraw this item from sale just to be sure.”

In addition, they offered the number of their customer service team, for anyone who has experienced a similar issue with their products.

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