A Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) officer is reported to have forced a pedestrian to undress at a Covid-19 roadblock before demanding a bribe to release him.

According to iHarare , the police officer, Morgan Fusire,34, was apprehended by the Commercial Crimes Division after it was reported that he forcefully took money from Tafadzwa Mutevera for allegedly milling around during the national lockdown meant to curb the outbreak of Covid-19.

Appearing before Harare magistrate Richard Ramaboa charged with the criminal abuse of office through extortion, Fusire was ordered to pay $500 and not to interfere with state witnesses. The case will be resumed on June, 4.

Prosecuting the case, George Manokore said that on the day of the incident, the accused who was manning a roadblock at the intersection of Enterprise Road and Samora Machel Avenue forced the complainant to remove his shoes and trousers after he failed to produce a pass authorizing his movement. After forcing the complainant to undress,  he is reported to have then taken $450 from him.

The court heard that Mutevera had gotten into town with his aunt, Evelyn Faineti, to go with her to Morris Depot Clinic to have her knee injury checked. Mutevera was then tasked to go and look for groceries whilst Faineti was getting medical treatment.

Whilst he was on his way from shopping for groceries, Mutevera met the accused at the roadblock. After being quizzed where he was coming from, he revealed that he was coming from OK shops where he had gone to replenish his supplies.

He also told the law enforcement officer that he wanted to wait for his ailing aunt at the bus stop. Unfortunately, Mutevera was arrested. He was then forced to lie down on his stomach as the accused thoroughly beat him with his button stick.

After the ordeal, Mutevera suffered threats from the officer that he was to open a docket at Harare Central Police Station. He was then told that he could only be granted freedom if he gave him money.

A Zimbabwe National Army (ZNA) soldier who was also at the road-block pleaded with Fusire to let the complainant go but he refused and insisted that he wanted money.

Although Mutevera tried to explain that he did not have money, the accused took $450 from him. Mutevere then fled the scene after being granted release.

Upon his arrival at the bus terminus-where, he was supposed to meet his aunt he told her of the ordeal. He was then ordered to go back and get his money but when he returned to the roadblock he was only given $270. He then filed a report against him.

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