Two Cabinet Ministers implicated in the Covid-19 allowance scandal have insisted tat they will not resign as some stakeholders are demanding them to.
The ministers, Jappie Mhango and Mark Botomani belonging to the ministries of Health and Information respectively said this yesterday when they met Human Rights Defenders Coalition (HRDC) officials.
On Tuesday, the ministers met HRDC to clarify on the Covid-19 allowances following a leaked video clip that in which the ministers talked about how the allowances could be shared and how to subsequently conceal the information from the public.
After the meeting, HRDC executive member Rev MacDonald Sembereka said they have heard the part of the ministers but they still feel they should be investigated by the Anti Corruption Bureau.
Sembereka, has since said the grouping will carry on with calls for the ministers to resign.
But in reaction the two ministers who responded to HRDC right away in the meeting said they will not resign arguing they did nothing wrong.
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