A 22-year-old woman in Lilongwe died in a road accident on Monday after being hit by a vehicle.

The deceased is identified as Bernadetta Kapalamula from Kumpakiza Village, Traditional Authority Mlauli in Neno district.

The incident occurred at about 18:45 hours near Chisiyo Primary School along Bypass road.

It is said that a motor vehicle, Toyota Dyna Van registration number KK 2198, that was being driven by Happy Mbewe, 32, was heading Likuni roundabout from Zankutu Trading Centre .

Upon arrival at Chisiyo Primary School, he hit Kapalamula who was crossing the road from right to left handside.

Due to the impact, she sustained head injuries and was pronounced dead on arrival at Kamuzu Central Hospital.

Meanwhile, the body is being kept at Kamuzu Central Hospital’s mortuary.

Police are calling on the deceased’s relatives to check with the hospital’s mortuary.

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