His Excellency the President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika has appointed a Presidential Task Force on Covid-19.

According to a statement from the Chief Secretary to the government, the Task Force is as follows;

1. Dr. John Phuka from the College of Medicine – Co-Chairperson.

2. Minister of Finance, Economic Planning and Development –Co-Chairperson.

3. Minister of Health – Member.

4. Minister of Disaster Management Affairs and Public Events – Member.

5. Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs –Member.

6. Minister of Information, Civic Education and Communications Technology – Member.

7. Minister of Local Government and Rural Development – Member.

8. Minister of Gender, Child Development and Community Development – Member.

9. Minister of Labour, Skills and Innovation – Member.

10. Minister of Population Planning and Social Welfare – Member.

11. Monsignor Dr. Patrick Thawale, Chairperson, Public Affairs Committee (PAC) – Member.

12. Mr. Prince Kapondamgaga, President, Malawi Confederation Chambers of Commerce and Industry (MCCCI) – Member.

13. Honorable Lobin Lowe, M.P., Leader of Opposition – Member.

14. Senior Chief Lukwa, Chiefs Council – Member.

15. Ms. Innocencia Chirombo, Executive Director, Christian Health Association of Malawi (CHAM) – Member.

16. Mr. George Jobe, Executive Director, Malawi Health Equity Network (MHEN) – Member.

17. Mr. Luther Mambala President, Malawi Congress of Trade Union (MCTU) – Member.

18. Rev. Patrick Semphere Chairperson, Malawi Human Rights Commission (MHRC) – Member.

19. Mr. Voice Mhone, Executive Director, Council for Non-Governmental Organizations in Malawi (CONGOMA) – Member.

20. Mr. Makbul Latif, Asian Business Community Covid-19 Taskforce – Member.

21. Dr. Robert Egolet, Country Director, Peking University Global Health Research, Development and Training Bureau – Member.

The appointments are with immediate effect; the statement further says the Presidential Task Force on Covid-19 replaces the Special Cabinet Committee on Covid-19.

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