Man has collapsed out of joy as his wife makes savings from money given her to prepare food on daily bases and built a three bedroom apartment without the mans knowledge.

The ladies name is Juan , she built  the house from the savings without her husband being aware.

After she realised that he was kind of spending money unnecessarily, she began to keep portion from every amount he gave to her to cook and take care of other domestic things.

Juan bought a land located in Sabo area of Kaduna along refinery road and started building.

It’s wasn’t Just an casual building as it was well fenced and had water in it. not even a member of her household was aware of what was going on.

Two months after completing the house, her husband coincidentally got sacked from his job.

Although the man was in pain for three months, Juan refused to disclose she has built a house.

Their rent had expired three months before Mr. Joseph Yohana, the husband was sacked.

They weren’t able to renew their rent for 6 months and the pressure was high on Yohana, the husband.

She asked him to escort her to go visit her relatives.

‘Yohana’ who drove the wife in his Toyata Camry car did not know exactly where they we’re going.

On their way, Juan told him to park, she came dome from the car and walked straight to building and started opening the gate.

He asked her, who gave you key to someone’s gate and why are you opening the gate.

Juan who did not listen to the husband, opened the gate and asked him to come in.

When Mr-Yohana went into the house, she held him and said, “I built this house from the savings out the daily amount you’ve been given me to prepare meals and take care of other domestic things”

Immediately the husband heard this, he fainted and was rushed to Kaduna general hospital where he was admitted for a whole.

After recovering from the shock, ‘Mr-Yohana’ said the news was too much to bear while he collapsed out of joy.

A witness miss Agatha, said the family have since in early February packed into their new house and are living happily.


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