In a bid to force Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) commissioners out of office, Human Rights Consultative Committee (HRCC) has said it is seeking a restraining order to stop the commissioners form further discharging their duties in as far as fresh presidential elections is concerned.
The human rights grouping said it has made the move following MEC’s failure to secure its database, a thing that has resulted in unauthorized persons accessing the system.
This also follows the recent move by the Supreme Court to uphold the Constitutional Court order for a fresh election, in which the court also admonished the commissioners over their role in the elections.
However, the commissioners have indicated they will carry on until their contracts end this June.
HRCC Executive Director Robert Mkwezalamba expressed excitement that the court has addressed some of their concerns such as registration of underage but says there is more that the court should address.
Mkwezalamba has since said they expect there will be peace in the country should the current commissioners step down.
Aftermath of May 21, 2019 tripartite elections different stakeholders have been calling for resignation MEC chairperson Jane Ansah and all her team for mismanaging the elections which were nullified by the Constitutional Court.
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