Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA Malawi) Chapter has condemned the state controlled Malawi Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) for using ‘obscene words’ toward the State Vice President Dr. Saulos Chilima during its 7pm Chichewa bulletin describing the move as immoral and an attack on professional journalism.

The station was seeking people’s views over the United Transformation Movement (UTM) leader’s remarks on the allegations that former president Bakili Muluzi is threatening kill him.

In the report that was narrated by journalist Henry Haukeya, the station used a screenshot of Facebook comments with swearwords targeted at the Vice President Saulos Chilima.

Justice Henderson commented on MBC page which was being aired live on TV without editing said; “umayankhula zopanda nzeru iwe ma*****e ako iwe Chilima,”

In a statement released on Tuesday MISA Malawi Chairperson Teresa Temweka Ndanga described the conduct of the station as shameful.

“MISA Malawi however finds the broadcast not only shameful but a serious attack on journalism and Malawi’s moral standards. It is against Malawian culture and the principles and values of professional journalism.

“The Communications Act of 2016 is clear on MBC’s public service obligations. It is appalling that the public broadcaster acted in such a manner,” said Ndanga.

She added: “MISA Malawi would like to urge individual journalists at MBC to rise above partisan journalism and embrace a culture of professionalism and integrity to safeguard their own career, media freedom and independence.”

MISA Malawi has since asked the Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority (MACRA) to discipline MBC and ensure the station is professional and operates according to the provisions of the Communications Act.

“Parliament should also take concrete steps that would guarantee nonpartisan programming at MBC at all times,” she added.

Meanwhile MBC has apologized over the matter.

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