A husband in Zambia shocked a Local Court after narrating how he and his wife of 20 years are taking turns to cheat on each other following which he opted to have sex with a maid.

Shadreck Kalela, 35, of Twapia Township, dragged his wife Jane Chembe, 30, to court for divorce where he also revealed that his wife is now refusing to have sex with him and he has since decided to play the bedroom’s ‘hide my sausage’ game with their house maid.

Kalela told senior presiding magistrate Agness Mulenga that the couple got married in 2000 and lived in peace but problems started in 2006 when he got a job as a security officer, which made him knock off late.

He said his wife took advantage of the situation and started spending most of her time at her parents’ home, despite him at one time beating her up for that.

“Even after I beat her up, I still did not find her home. She started denying me conjugal rights. She employed a young girl as a maid when she started working at a hospital. I became familiar with the girl and one day I made a mistake and slept with her,” he said.

Kalela further told the court that he found his wife with another man, which infuriated him and beat her up.

He said the couple engaged church elders and family to help resolve their differences in marriage but all proved futile.

“Since 2011 we have not lived in peace. She has no respect for me and she would tell her friends that when I knock off from work, I wait for nshima,” he said.

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