Chaos ensued at Kera Village, Makawa Trading Centre, in Mangochi Friday evening when two little girls who had gone missing Thursday morning were found dead allegedly in a vehicle of a businessman, Idrissa Wasi.

Eyewitnesses on the scene said the two girls aged 5and 6 from different families within the neighbourhood were last seen Thursday morning outside Wasi’s compound and that the families and members of the community went on a search.

On Friday evening, the bodies of the two girls were found by Wasi’s wife in one of the family’s vehicle, asaloon registration number MH 5988, according to the eyewitnesses.

“This angered the members of the community and they resorted to violence and set ablaze three houses, warehouse, and three vehicles including a minibus within Wasi’s compound,” explained one of the eyewitnesses.

Two other vehicles belonging to Wasi, including the one in which the bodies of the girls were found, were also destroyed by the angry mob.

Mangochi Police confirmed the fracas saying Wasi and his family fled the scene for their lives and that the businessman handed himself over to the law enforcers.

“We are keeping in custody the businessman, Idrissa Wasi, as investigations are underway to get to the bottom of the matter,” said Mangochi Police Spokesperson, Inspector Rodrick Maida.

Wasi is a renowned commercial fisherman at Makawa Trading Centre and he owns a number of business entities including houses.

Source: MANA