Running-mate for Tonse Alliance Saulos Chilima has given a warm heart thank to Sidik Mia and Michael Usi who were presidential running-mates in the May 21, 2019 elections for Malawi Congress Party (MCP) United Transformation Movement (UTM) respectively for paving way for the alliance.

Chilima who is also the state vice president and UTM leader hailed the two yesterday in Lilongwe during a political rally at Likuni Boys ground for sacrificing their vice presidency ambitions and committed to serve Malawians.

Chilima said the Alliance was not going to materialize if the two had not accepted to put off their aspirations.

On May 6 Chakwera presented his nomination papers to Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) in preparation of the fresh presidential elections and unveiled Chilima as his running-mate.

Chilima has however issued a strong to the electoral body Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) that if they try to manipulate the elections they will not accept the results.

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