Jason Derulo appears to have had an absolute nightmare while attempting to eat some corn on the cob using a drill. By ‘absolute nightmare’, he pulled his front teeth out trying to eat with a drill.

You’d think it’d go without saying that you shouldn’t attempt to eat corn on the cob from a moving drill, or any other power tool for that matter.

In fact, ‘just don’t play about with power tools’ is a decent tip to take with you as you go about your day.

In the video, Derulo attempts a viral challenge that several people have taken on before, and suffers the exact same results as a consequence.

First off, he puts the yellow DeWalt drill – other drills are available – to his gob and starts it spinning.

Then, the idea seems to be that you use this questionable ‘life hack’ to eat the corn on the cob really quickly, by just putting the spinning corn to your mouth and letting the drill do the rest of the work.

However, the only work that the drill did was on the popular singer’s teeth.

Let’s hope he’s got a decent dentist, because – rather predictably – he screamed in pain and pulled the power tool away to reveal that his two front teeth had been badly chipped.

He’s got a long time to wait until he can get a new set for Christmas, if he’s lucky.

Seriously, you might have already watched the video, but it looks well painful. It’s enough to make your shins itch.

Weirdly enough, this isn’t the first incident that the musician who brought us such hits as ‘Wiggle’ and ‘Talk Dirty’, has had involving his gnashers.

Just a matter of weeks ago, he was doing a handstand by the side of his pool and fell in. As he emerged from the pool, he revealed that he’d ‘broken’ one of his teeth in the process.

Luckily, on that occasion it was only a fake tooth, so it wasn’t that big a deal.

However, unless he wants to blow his vast fortune on trips to the orthodontist, he’d better stop doing stunts like these ones, especially if it’s just to impress people on TikTok.

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