In a ‘perfect revenge’ story, a woman tired of her husband’s shenanigans allegedly spilled the beans on her husband’s illicit, human trafficking business.

Her husband allegedly facilitates human trafficking by faking signatures and traveling with people outside the country.

Fisher Chiyanike, 51 had a falling out with his wife Bianca Chiyanike, 35,after he accused her of bedding another man.

Chiyanike, president of Zimbabwe United Nations Association (ZUNA), who stays in Milton Park said his wife was out for his blood.

“To be honest with you my wife is up to destroy me because I discovered that she is dating a 27 year old man by the name Ngoni,” said Chiyanike.

“We had a misunderstanding and that forced me to leave the house hurriedly and I only collected my suits leaving these documents she is now using to destroy my life.

He denied faking signatures of government officials and said the documents in question are authentic.

The documents show signatures signed on a paper, attached to a document of the Zimbabwe Republic Police letterhead with a stamp dated 10 October 2012.

The letter has names of senior police officers based at Harare Central Police Station while the other one has the name of the secretary for Local Government, Public Works and National Housing.

Zimbabwean Human Trafficker Exposed By Vengeful Wife Following Fight

Chiyanike claims that the letter is authentic but the letterhead attached seems to be a work of forgery.