A 28-year-old man in Chikwawa district has been killed by an angry mob on suspicion that he stole a goat.

The deceased has been identified as Paul Fulaitoni of Dzongwe Village in the area of Traditional Authority (TA) Ngabu in the district.

Chikwawa Police Station Deputy Public Relations Officer, Sergeant Dickson Matemba confirmed the development in an interview with Malawi News Agency (Mana) on Tuesday.

He said Fulaitoni met his fate on May 22, 2020 around 11 p.m. at Nsanjama Village in the district.

“It was alleged that the suspect was carrying a sack on his motorcycle containing a slaughtered goat suspected to have been stolen,” Matemba said, adding, “Unknown people asked him where he was going with the goat but failed to give a proper account.”

He said an angry mob descended on him and was badly assaulted before setting him and his motorbike ablaze.

“The scene of crime was visited by both police and medical personnel from Nchalo Health Centre. Postmortem results established that death was due to severe bleeding secondary to head injuries,” he added.

According to Matemba, Police in the district wish to warn the citizenry to desist from taking the law into their own hands, instead should report to police any suspects or criminal activities.


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