Cotton farmers in Chikwawa have expressed concern after what they were promised  by Democratic Progressive Party (DPP)-United Democratic Front (UDF) Alliance running-mate, Atupele Muluzi during campaign two weeks ago has not come to pass.

The young Muluzi assured the farmers in the district to bring the cash crop to the Admarc as money used for buying was readily available.

This has brought anger among the farmers and has left them in stranded situation as nobody is coming in to buy their commodity, nearly two weeks after they adhered to the young Muluzi’s call.

Farmers who visited Ngabu Admarc Market have openly expressed their anger and disappointment, as they believe authorities are taking them for granted after they joyfully responded to the authoritative call by President Peter Mutharika’s official partner in the forthcoming Presidential polls.

Chamanga Valeta, who is the Chairperson of the farmers said “there is no-one around telling us anything concrete not even the top most boss Jumbe whom we have called several times is telling anything convincing”.

Another farmer, Edina Khambadza complained that previously, Admarc has been buying from them on credit hence selling at low unprofitable price of K369 per Kilogram after deducting K20, a mandatory fee for the Cotton Council.
“We spend a lot on labour, seedlings and other inputs and at no profit we desperately keep on selling our cotton so that we can get something to buy food and support our families,” said Khambadza.
Political parties have indulged themselves in campaigns, telling their supporters what they shall do for them once in power but if things are like this, will Malawians vote for these people?
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