United Transformation Movement (UTM) Campaign Director Lucius Banda has hailed the people of Monkey-Bay for conducting themselves in a peaceful manner during Tonse Alliance campaign rally in Eastern Region.

On Sunday, Tonse Alliance torchbearer Dr. Lazarus Chakwera held a campaign rally at Mbwazulu ground where thousands of Malawians attended the rally.

During the build up to the rally, tension was high as reports were all over that some unknown people were hired to disrupt the rally.

Contrary to the reports, the campaign rally went on smoothly without any acts of violence and security was tight.

Writing on his official Facebook page, Banda hailed the people of Monkey-Bay for their conduct.

“We thank God for the peace in Monkeybay…Malawi we can disagree in a civilized manner that’s what they call democracy. Thank you Monkeybay,” wrote Banda.

Recently reports of sponsored political violence have been all over targeting leaders of opposition political parties.

The latest being stoning of a convoy of State Vice President Dr. Saulos Chilima, a runningmate for Tonse Alliance in Phalombe by suspected youth cadets for the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP).

The DPP cadets smashed windows of one of the vehicles used by the media team covering the campaign trail of Chilima.

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