Commentator on good governance Makhumbo Munthali has pleaded with sitting President Peter Mutharika and former Head of state Joyce Banda to refrain from practicing dirty politics.

Writing on his Facebook page Munthali said politics of castigation will not take the country anywhere, hence a need for the two leaders to slow down.

Munthali’s call follows what the two leaders have found themselves into after they took to the podium castigating each other as part of campaign.

Few weeks ago Banda mocked Mutharika that alcohol and old age are not related in any way, recalling that when they went together on a trip to China Banda was ashamed with how Mutharika drunk.

Responding to Banda, Mutharika yesterday alleged that Banda is a prostitute as she tried to lure former president the late Bingu WA Mutharika in China to sleep with her.

“I think both APM and JB must slow down. Telling off each other that one is a drunkard the other is a prostitute cannot develop Malawi. We need issue based politics,” writes Munthali.

Meanwhile there have been calls from different stakeholders and individuals asking Mutharika to apologies to Banda as his remarks are an insult to the dignity of womanhood of Banda saying it is the most disgusting and disgraceful.

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