Vice President for Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) in the southern region, Kondwani Nankhumwa Sunday drummed up support for DPP-UDF alliance in Ndirande Township ahead of the Presidential elections.

Addressing the gathering at Ndirande Community Hall Ground, he urged voters to choose the DPP-UDF alliance for continued developments.

Nankhumwa said that Malawians have seen a great transformation in economic, agriculture, education, health sectors and many more issues that borders around a common Malawian.

“If you want series of developments, vote for President Prof. Peter Mutharika because he is the only one with the interest of Malawians at heart. Malawians should not make a mistake to vote for a candidate from the opposition. Mutharika has already demonstrated commitment to develop the nation in his first five years in office.

“We are encouraging people to vote for President Mutharika and Atupele Muluzi because this is a combination that can transform Malawi to a better, admirable level,” he said.

The DPP Vice President urged Malawians to turn up in large numbers on the polling day and cast their votes.

“Am calling on eligible voters to come the polling day, we should come out and vote because by not doing so is voting for the opposition. Let’s reclaim our victory.

“We need to show the opposition that indeed DPP won the elections. For that to happen there is need for DPP supporters to vote again. Don’t get frustrated with what happened, you need to show your anger on the ballot paper,” Nankhumwa he added.

Director of Youth in DPP, who is Deputy Minister of Defence Chipiliro Mpinganjira urged youths in the country to refrain from political violence during the campaign period.

He said youth hold the future of this country hence the call for them to stay away from dirty politics.

“Let me urge the youth in the country to avoid being misguided by politicians during the campaign period. It is undemocratic causing political violence. Let us border much on issue based campaign,” Mpinganjira said.

Regional Governor for DPP in the Southern Region, Charles Mchacha welcomed 473 members who joined the DPP-UDF alliance from Tonse alliance and other Councilors who won on independent ticket during May 21, 2019 tripartite elections.

Nankhumwa, with some senior members from DPP-UDF alliance, during the weekend had a number of rallies in Blantyre city with an aim of calling electorates to vote for DPP-UDF alliance ahead of fresh presidential election.


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