Citizen for Transformation (CFT) Commander in Chief Timothy Mtambo has expressed shock with remarks uttered by the first citizen President Peter Mutharika against former President Joyce Banda yesterday in Thyolo where he kicked off his campaign tour ahead of fresh presidential elections.

Mtambo, through a write up on his Facebook page said that it is bad to use vulgar language at opponents if he wants to score in politics.

Yesterday in Thyolo during whistle-tour Mutharika alleged that Banda is a prostitute as she tried to lure former president the late Bingu WA Mutharika in China to sleep with her.

According to the former human rights activist, Mutharika stoop so low to utter some demeaning and defamatory remarks against Banda.

If Mutharika desperately wants to score cheap political marks, surely spewing obscenities is a bad strategy.

He then added that what Mutharika did attacking Banda using vulgar language, “Is equally indirect attack his late brother he ought to respect considering that Banda served as a minister and a state vice president during late Bingu WA Mutharika’s administration.

“Mutharika, like before, has once again reminded Malawians why he is an embodiment of what the President should not be.

“President otukwana! I guess Malawians are good enough to have such a leader,” Mtambo said.

According to Mtambo, what Mutharika has done is one of the reasons for Mutharika to be retired through the ballot as fresh presidential elections are looming.

The CFT leader stressed that Banda will not waste her time to engage Mutharika in a “verbal tirade”

“If the President prides in vulgarity as a strategy – we must not follow his way and we must not lose focus. Our grand mission, I mean CFT and all other patriotic Malawians, is to bail out Malawi from the hands of merciless cannibals who pride in plunder and vulgarities,” explained Mtambo.

“Mutharika’s misplaced attack on a woman of substance, Madam Joyce Banda is once again a sad reminder of how morally bankrupt our president is,”

Mtambo further reminded Malawians of what Mutharika did during and after the death of former president the late Bingu WA Mutharika as he wanted to ascend presidency through the back door saying his (Mutharika’s) hate for Joyce Banda can be traced from that.

“Instead of mourning his brother, Mutharika was allegedly the main actor of a plot to take over power from Joyce Banda. How does he feel now after that failed act which led to the whole state president reduced to a toy? If only the dead had a voice, Bingu would have surely reprimanded his young brother for assassinating our moral values. Bingu’s soul must be troubled. How he ended up to be some Daniel Phiri only APM knows,” Mtambo recalls.

He then urged people to vote for Tonse Alliance under the leadership of Malawi Congres Party (MCP) president Lazarus Chakwera and his running-mate the state vice president Saulos Chilima who is also the leader for United Transformation Movement (UTM) in the fresh elections.

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