Police in Mulanje have arrested three men for being found in possession of cannabis sativa without a license.

Mulanje Police Station Publicist, Gresham Ngwira Monday said the three are Whitman Pempho Littah, 28, from Ndala Village, Ganizani Mawonde, 31, from Namchapa Village and James Mateketa, 39, from Kunthanguwo Village all under Senior Chief Chikumbu in Mulanje.

He said they received a tip from well wishers that the three were dealing in this unauthorized business.

“Using the tip, we carried out a search in the suspects’ houses and found with them 326, 30 and nine twists of marijuana amounting to about 2.5 kilogrammes.

“We asked them to produce a license for the product, all the suspects failed, prompting the police to arrest them and seize the product,” Ngwira said.

He said the three would face an offence of being found in possession of cannabis sativa without license contrary to section 4 (1) as read with Regulation 19 of Dangerous Drugs Act.

The three are scheduled to appear in court as soon as investigations are through.

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