After failing to attend Tonse Alliance campaign rally in Mangochi Monkey-Bay last Sunday, State Vice President Dr. Saulos Chilima from Thursday will be in the district holding whistle stop tours to campaign for Dr. Lazarus Chakwera.

Chilima’s tour comes amid reports that former President Dr. Bakili Muluzi that he is planning to assassinate him once he visits the district for campaign.

United Transformation Movement (UTM) President made the claims during the Sartuday’s campaign rally in Zomba.

According to the programme seen by this publication, Chilima will start the tour of Mangochi, a stronghold of the United Democratic Front (UDF) with a stopover at Masuku Trading Centre from 9:30am.

Chilima will also make a stopover at Chiponde, Namwera Trading Centre, Idrusi Trading Centre and Chowe Trading Centre.

Tonse Alliance runningmate will round up his tour for the day with a stopover at Mbalula and M’baluku
Below is the programme;

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