A retired Army Captain, Cpt. Bassey Ekanem retd., age 73, has allegedly raped his 4-year-old niece in Calabar, Cross River State capital.

Information gathered shows that Ekanem committed the act at #12 Edim Ibangha Street, Big Qua Town, Calabar Municipality Local Government Area.

According to a source, it was the victim’s 2-year-old brother who reported the crime to their parent.

However, the Retd. Army Capt. claimed he was under the influence of alcohol and couldn’t understand why he committed the act.

“It was the victim’s younger brother who is about 2-year-old who told their mother that grandpa (as they usually called him) put his hand inside her sister’s “bum bum” before their mother raised alarm and the matter was reported to Akim Police Station”, the source who spoke under anonymity said.

Commenting on the matter, the Principal Counsel, Basic Right Council Initiative (BRCI), Barr. James Ibor, said the case was one among many, adding that rape incidents were becoming increasingly alarming.

He said: “I am heartbroken and appalled by the increasing number of rape everyday in Calabar and beyond, the Child Rights Act really needs to be implemented to the latter because the girl child is going through a lot.

“This particular matter cannot be swept under the carpet and the suspect must face the full wrath of the law even though they are related, because in most cases, when the case is gaining momentum, a lot of pressure starts coming in for the matter to become compromised especially when it has to do with a relative.

“He is now in police custody and we expect our officers to do a thorough job because this is one too many in the rape saga ravaging the country, it didn’t start today but it’s high time people started speaking up, rape is a serious crime.

“The suspect has confessed to the act and it is only the court that can determine whether he had capacity to carry out the act as there are claims he was under the influence of alcohol at the time he committed the abominable act”.

Ibor who is also the Chairperson, Child Protection Network in Cross River State, called on parents to enlighten their children at a very early age as signs and other emotional signals can be detected early like the younger brother to the victim who is just about 2 years did.

“There is need to teach both the boy and girl child at a tender age – it’s because of what the little brother understood that exposed the matter in the first place, so educate your children always”, Ibor added.


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