Mzuzu, June 04, 2020: Six impounded Mzuzu City Council (MCC) vehicles have been listed on auction sale slated for this coming Saturday at Mzuzu Court House premises.

Sheriffs impounded the six vehicles that include the Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) official vehicle Ford Ranger over the council’s failure to pay debt it owes people.

A visit to the court premises on Wednesday by Malawi News Agency showed that MCCS vehicles had already been labelled with auction sale lot numbers.

Besides the Ford Ranger, others are a lorry, a double cabin Toyota Hilux, and two single cabin Toyota vehicles.

Reliable sources told Mana that the council is planning to get a stay order so that the vehicles should be withdrawn from the auction sale.

MCC Spokesperson, Macdonald Gondwe in an interview said discussions are underway so that the vehicles should not be sold as they are crucial for the councils service provision.

“We hope the discussions will be fruitful considering that these are critical vehicles which we depend on for service provision,” said Gondwe.

He conceded that the council is sailing through tough financial times.


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