Fairfax, Virginia: A white policeman is being charged for using a stun gun on a black man in what was described as a domestic call by authorities.

Fairfax County Commonwealth’s Attorney Steve Descano made a statement last Saturday saying that Officer Tyler Timberlake was taken into custody and was charged with three counts of battery and assault.

Police Chief Edwin Roessler told the press last Saturday that Officer Timberlake used force in violation of the department’s use of force policies and ignored “the sanctity of human life.”

He noted that the police had been called with regards to a man walking down a street in Mt. Vernon shouting that he could not breathe.

The first policeman to reach the scene was trying to cool the situation down and help the person get into an ambulance, according to Roessler.

Timberlake then decided to tase the man a number of times.

According to Roessler, it is still uncertain why Timberlake went for the taser and the case is still being investigated.

“They were working with this gentleman to get him help, to the ambulance, that was very clear, and for unknown reasons now, we have to wait for the criminal investigation and my administrative investigation to understand what was in the mind of this officer to do what he did, and that was to deploy that electronic control weapon and then escalate further. Unacceptable. Just disgusting,” the chief said.

The other three officers were put on administrative leave, as part of the investigation.

The man who was tased was brought to a hospital and later released, Roessler said. He also said that he has contacted the man’s mother.

Last Saturday the police released the bodycam footage recorded during the incident.

Officer Timberlake now faces up to 36 months of imprisonment.

“I can assure you that I am personally following this case closely to ensure a thorough prosecution and outcome, especially during these trying times,” Descano said.



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