China has vowed to strengthen international cooperation in future COVID-19 clinical vaccine trials. The country is expending great efforts in the global scramble to develop a vaccine for the new corona virus pandemic that began in its central city of Wuhan.

Wang Zhigang, Chinese Minister of Science and Technology: “When a Chinese vaccine is ready for application after research and development, and clinical tests, we will implement the commitment made by Chinese President Xi Jinping at the 73rd World Health Assembly, providing the vaccine to the world as global public goods.”

According to the World Health Organisation, there are 125 coronavirus vaccine projects in the works worldwide with China in the lead. The Asian giant leads the world with five vaccine candidates now being tested in humans.

Major African stats: June 9 at 7:00 GMT:

  • Confirmed cases = 196,368
  • Number of deaths = 5,364
  • Recoveries = 86,111
  • Active cases = 104,893
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