As Old Mutual Malawi continues to celebrate 175 years of existence in the country, the leading Insurance Company has once again donated medical supplies worth MK29.1 million to Blantyre, Lilongwe and Mzuzu District Health Offices.

The medical supplies which include Oxygen Concentrators, Monitors for Vital sign, Gas Cylinders and Cylinder gauges will be delivered to Kameza Isolation Centre.The other items will be delivered to Lilongwe and Mzuzu DHOs respectively.

The official handing over ceremony of the medical supplies took place on Monday at Blantyre District Health Office.

Speaking in an interview with the press Old Mutual Malawi Group Chief Operations Officer (GCOO) Khumbo Phiri said COVID-19 is a public health concern hence the company thought it wise to come in and assist.

Old Mutual Group COO, Khumbo Phiri

“For 175 years of operations across the African continent, and over 60 years of operations in Malawi we have developed a Responsible Business philosophy which strives to pursue commercial success in a sustainable manner whilst respecting the interest of individuals, society and the natural environment. Now it is behind this philosophy that as a business we recognize the role we have to play during this difficult time towards the expectations of our communities keeping to our credo of being a certain friend in uncertain times.

“It is against this background that Old Mutual Malawi Limited through The Old Mutual Blantyre Foundation Trust is today donating various medical equipment and accessories worth MK29.1 million (Twenty nine Million One Hundred Thousand Kwacha) to assist the nation-wide efforts aimed at mitigating the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. This Covid-19 response which includes a donation being made today was part of a collaborative efforts with other major private sector players,”said Phiri.

Some of the donated items

Out of the MK29.1 million worth of items donated, Mk12 million worth of the items have been donated to Blantyre District Health Office, according to Phiri.

“Today, we are humbled to make the donation of assorted medical supplies worth MK12, 000,000.00 that includes among others, Oxygen concentrators, Monitors for vital sign, Gas cylinders and Cylinder gauges to Blantyre District Health Office which will be delivered to the Kameza Isolation center to enable the effective delivery of the center’s operations.

“In addition to this donation, Old Mutual has also donated assorted medical supplies worth MK13 million towards the capacitation of the Mzuzu Covid-19 testing center which will assist to intensify Covid-19 response in the Northern region. With lessons gained from other countries on the importance of large scale testing in the fight against the pandemic, Old Mutual Malawi has also donated MK4.1 million worth of testing kits and other medical supplies to Lilongwe District Health Office,” added Phiri.

According to Phiri, the items donated will help in critical stages especially when patients have difficulties in breathing.

Director of Health and Social Services under Blantyre District Health Office Dr. Gift Kawalazila hailed Old Mutual for the timely donation.

“We are very grateful for this donation from Old Mutual. We this donation it means we will be able to handle critically ill patients especially those who have breathing difficulties admitted at Kameza Isolation Centre,” said Kawalazila.

He then assured the company that the donation will be put to the right use.

The country has so far registered 443 coronavirus cases with 55 recoveries and four deaths.

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