In India, 18-year-old girl is accussing her father of raping her twice during the lockdown. The girl claimed that she was raped twice by her father within 16 days and her mother was an accomplice.

The girl’s parents, however, denied all allegations and said that the girl was framing them. The accused said that the girl was accusing them falsely as they had raised an objection to her relationship with a youth.

First instance 

At around 2 pm on March 26, the 18-year-old girl was working in the kitchen. During this time, the girl’s father allegedly grabbed her and took her to a room. The accused man tied the girl to a bed and her mother stuffed a cloth into her mouth.

The girl was then allegedly raped by her father while her mother watched in silence. The girl’s father said that it would make things less painful after marriage. After the incident, the girl’s parents locked her inside a room to prevent her from informing the cops.

Girl escaped from her home 

On April 10, however, the girl managed to escape from her home and went to her aunt’s home. The accused managed to trace the girl’s location and took her home. After taking her back, the accused allegedly raped her again.

The girl’s problems came to an end when her elder sister called the police and narrated her ordeal. The girl showed bite marks on her cheeks and injuries on her wrist when she was rescued by the police.

Speaking on behalf of police, Asit Yadav told The Times of India, “We have detained the couple following her complaint. Her statement would be recorded before the magistrate. ” Yadav said that the girl’s parents have a different version of the same story.

The girl told the police that her father had been molesting her since she was in high school and had also made an attempt to molest the girl’s sisters.

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