Government through Minister of Information and Communication Technology Mark Botoman has dismissed remarks made by former President Dr. Joyce Banda that the country has no Covid-19 cases.

Recently Banda told the people of Nkhata-Bay during a campaign rally conducted by Tonse Alliance torchbearer Dr. Lazarus Chakwera that Malawi has been spared from COVID-19 and the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) is taking advantage of the pandemic to enrich themselves.

“We know that there is COVID-19 in many countries but I think God loves us because there is no clear case that the government is telling us about,” Banda was quoted as saying.

But in a statement released on Thursday signed by Minister of Information Mark Botomani, government trashed the remarks by Banda.

“Government would like to dismiss as false and irresponsible remarks made former President Joyce Banda that the country has no COVID-19 cases.

“Such a statement, coming from a parent and former President, is not only irresponsible but also unfortunate and lacking in patriotism. It is clear that Mrs. Banda has no love for the country and does not care if many Malawians die of the pandemic,” reads in part the statement.

He added: “Government would therefore like to put the record straight that all donor funds meant for Covid-19 interventions are channeled through UNICEF and not Account Number One. Even funds coming from Account Number One at Treasury are managed using Public Finance Management which ensures accountability of every single tambala.”

Meanwhile Banda is yet to respond on the matter.

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