Zimbabwe:A married woman has revealed that she is now sleeping in her jeans in an effort to protect herself from her estranged husband whom she accused of raping her.

Out of despair and frustration, Cordelia Marume finally approached the courts seeking a protection order against Obert Marume, whom she accused of marital rape.

Manica Post reports that a distraught Cordelia sought the court’s protection and even produced a pair of torn underwear to prove her case against Obert.

She told Mutare magistrate, Ms Nyasha Kuture, that she has since resorted to sleeping in a different room from Obert, and going to bed in her jeans to deter her sex-crazed husband from raping her.

Cordelia also told the court that Obert was physically abusive and would assault her over petty issues.

“As a way of protecting myself from his aggressiveness, I now sleep in my jeans Your Worship,”

“Every time he abuses me, I wake up while he is still in the act. He apologises claiming that he would have sleepwalked into my room. When he is done, he returns to his room.

“May the court please tell him that I am no longer interested in becoming intimate with him, even with protection. I have lost all affection for him,” she said.

Responding to the application, Obert left the court in stitches when he claimed that he sleepwalks into Cordelia. He did not elaborate on how he ended up forcing her to be intimate against her will. Obert denied ever raping Cordelia.
However, he insisted that he is her legal husband and that the two stay under the same roof.

The Magistrate was not convinced by Obert’s claims and issued a protection order against him, warning that he would face criminal charges if he continues with his current conduct. In her ruling, Magistrate Kuture said,

“If she reports you to the police, you will face criminal charges, so refrain from such actions. While she is your lawful wedded wife, you cannot force her to be intimate with you,”

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