Senior Resident Magistrate’s Court in Mulanje on Monday convicted and ordered seven people to pay a fine of K50, 000 each or in default serve one year imprisonment for vandalising Chonde Health Centre in the district where they blamed the health personnel for failing to save life of a woman who was involved in a road accident.

The court identified the convicts as Shaibu Chiposola, 24, Happy Kambuti, 20, Chisomo Maliko, 20, Erason Nthamera, 20, Blessings Malekano, 35, from Chonde Village and two others namely Montfort Juma, 25, and Janet Mulekano 30, from Kululira Village, all from Senior Chief Nthiramanja in Mulanje.

Police Prosecutor Sub Inspector Gladstone Kanyezi told the court that on June 1, this year, a woman was involved in a road accident and well-wishers took the victim to the health facility, but just dumped her without informing health personnel about the incident.

Kanyezi further told the court that when it was later known that woman had died, the convicts pelted stones at the health centre claiming health personnel failed to assist the road accident victim.

The seven caused havoc at the health facility and in the process damaged property worth over K350, 000, according to the police prosecutor who added that the police arrested them and were charged with the offence of malicious damage contrary to Section 344 of the Penal Code,
The convicts pleaded guilty before First Grade Magistrate Shahida Hanif Bakili who found the seven with a case to answer.

In his submission, state prosecutor Sub Inspector Kanyezi asked the court to give the seven stiffer penalties describing them as irresponsible people.

“By damaging property, the convicts had deprived people in the area of good health service delivery,” Kanyezi said.

In mitigation, the two convicts asked for leniency while the other five stood silent with nothing to say before the magistrate.

Passing judgment, Magistrate Bakili concurred with the state’s submission and ordered the convicts to pay a fine of K50, 000 each or in default to serve a 12 months’ imprisonment.


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