Good governance commentator Makhumbo Munthali hinted that Babylon is falling following a recent survey conducted by the Institute of Public Opinion Research (IPOR) which has revealed that Malawi Congress Party (MCP) president is likely to win the fresh elections.

In line with the survey, Munthali said there is no need to wait for a credible survey to predict that President Peter Mutharika is losing the fresh presidential elections.

“The energy Mutharika has put to stopping or frustrating the Fresh elections is enough to tell you that all is not rosy for the old man,” writes Munthali on His Facebook page.

According to Munthali signals are clear citing the Chief Justice scandal and the anger demonstrated by Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) legislators after Parliament fixed the election date.

“Mutharika is a very confused and desperate man at the moment. But as they say no force on earth cannot stop an idea whose time has come,” Munthali said.

The youthful good governance commentator added that impunity and thieving are falling down, “Yes, change is coming”

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