Political Scientists Association of Malawi (PSA) has appealed to Malawians to sing the National Anthem in defense of Judiciary independence.

PSA Secretary General Ernest Thindwa said this in a press statement made available to this publication.

According to Thindwa, Malawians should be singing the National Anthem where ever they will be today at 12 noon.

Thindwa said this as lawyers will this afternoon hold peaceful demonstrations in defense of the judiciary’s independence.

“Let the nation join hands in singing the anthem at  any other place be it streets, offices, markets, minibuses, homes etc as a symbol of our allegiance to the Republican Constitution and demand for judicial independence,” Thindwa said.

This follows people’s reactions over government’s decision to have the chief justice go on leave pending his retirement which is due on December 21, 2021.

The decision attracted different views from within and outside the country condemning the move made by government saying the executive is interfering with the independence of the judiciary.

Meanwhile, government has insisted that the Honourable Chief Justice Andrew Nyirenda should proceed on leave since he has accumulated 572 days of leave.

Minster of information Mark Botomani has asked people to stop politicizing the matter saying there is nothing political in sending one to leave.

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