Health authorities have bemoaned attacks on health workers which they say are posing a threat in proper management of Covid-19 deaths to prevent further spread.
This follows an attack on some health workers in Blantyre on 14 June who went to bury a dead body of a person who tested positive for Covid-19.
Meanwhile Acting District Medical Officer for Blantyre Dr. Zaziwe Fatsani Gunda says that per procedure, health workers are supposed to go back to the community for contact tracing of relations and anyone who came in close contact with the deceased for covid-19 testing.
Gunda however disclosed that this proves to be a challenge as health workers are fearing for their lives while on the other hand communities are not convinced that their relation died of covid-19 disease hence unwilling to comply.Health authorities have bemoaned attacks on health workers which they say are posing a threat in proper management of Covid-19 deaths to prevent further spread.
This follows an attack on some health workers in Blantyre on 14 June who went to bury a dead body of a person who tested positive for Covid-19.

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