Few days to fresh president elections, President Peter Mutharika has come out of his cocoon to campaign seeking a second term in the office of president following nullification of May 21, 2019 presidential elections in which he was declared a winner.

On his way to Lilongwe, Mutharika alleged that the courts and opposition conspired to nullify the 2019 presidential elections even though he won the elections

Mutharika made the claim at a Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) campaign rally in Lilongwe ahead of the 23 June fresh presidential elections.

The Malawi leader told his supporters that he won the 2019 elections but his victory was snatched by the courts.

“The courts and the opposition parties conspired to nullify the elections. We won the elections and the opposition challenged the results in court. Who chooses the president? Is it the courts or the electorates?” asked Mutharika.

He then urged his supporters to vote for him in the June 23 fresh presidential elections so that he should win the elections and continue developing the country.

Mutharika was declared winner in the 2019 elections but opposition politicians Saulos Chilima and Lazarus Chakwera challenged the results of the elections.

The Constitutional Court in February nullified the results of the 2019 elections and Mutharika appealed against the ruling. In May, the Supreme Court of Appeal upheld the lower court’s decision.

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