A total number of forty six people have been arrested over electoral crimes, this publication has learnt.

Deputy Commissioner of Police, Noel Kayira disclosed this on Thursday night during a press briefing by the Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) at the national tally centre in Blantyre.

He was giving an update on security during the election period.

“We have 46 people in custody who are alleged to have violated electoral laws. Among the crimes include giving handouts, unlawful detention of party monitors, arson, intimidation of monitors, causing chaos, being in possession of more than one voter registration ID and being found with sharp objects such as knives,” said Kayira.

Some of the districts where electoral violence took place are Rumphi, Mzimba and Salima.

“Our forces are ready to be deployed as quickly as possible to areas where there will be havoc. We are ready to ensure that peace is observed in order to avoid post election violence,” he said.

The Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) has started scrutinizing null and void votes in councils. So far, three districts have been scrutinize thus Neno, Mulanje and Phalombe.

“The null and void votes that we have found to be correct have been given to the intended candidates,” said MEC Chairperson, Justice Chifundo Kachale.

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