Newly elected President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera of Tonse Alliance will be sworn in today at Bingu International Convention Centre in the capital Lilongwe.

Chakwera and his runningmate Dr. Saulos Chilima of United Transformation Movement (UTM) were declared winners of the fresh Presidential polls by the Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) on Saturday night in Blantyre.

Malawi Congress Party (MCP) President Dr. Chakwera outclassed the outgoing President Peter Mutharika after amassing 2.6 million votes against 1.7 million votes.

The Chief Justice Andrew Nyirenda will preside over the swearing in ceremony and the ceremony will start at 10am this morning.

The inauguration ceremony of the newly elected President will be held on July 6, 2020 at Bingu National Stadium, according to MCP Secretary general Mr. Mkaka.

Mkaka said the move is aimed at saving public funds.

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