A Kenyan man whose story went viral on social media after he was forced to spend the night at a police station with his wife’s coffin has sued the government for compensation.

Charles Mwenda filed a petition at the High Court in Meru on Wednesday, July 1, accusing Meru county coronavirus surveillance team of infringing on his rights and freedoms as provided for in the Bill of Rights.

Through her lawyers Vivian Wambulwa, Mwenda argued that he was mistreated by the team despite having complied with the COVID-19 regulations, as reported by Daily Nation.

In his affidavit, Mwenda detailed how he and 31 mourners were mistreated by the police officers after a long ride from Malindi in Kilifi county.

Mwenda said he had sought for permission from relevant authorities that allowed him and the 31 mourners to travel for the burial of his wife Faith Mwenda who had succumbed to cancer on May 24.

He said upon reaching Keeria market in Meru county, they were stopped by police and the 31 mourners were asked to return to Malindi, or else they would be forced into quarantine at their own cost.

The police ordered him to get into their vehicle with the casket and was driven to Kianjai Police Station where he was forced to spend the night. The rains pounded the area on that day leaving him and the coffin soaked.

In his suit, Mwenda’s lawyer said her client had been treated with total indignity by transporting the petitioner and the coffin before dumping him in the middle of the night by the roadside while it was raining without care about his security and well-being.

Enjoined in the case are the Law Society of Kenya, the Independent Policing Oversight Authority and the Kenya National Commission of Human Rights.

Judge Alfred Mabeya ordered the petitioner to serve the respondents and the case will be mentioned on July 6, 2020, for further directions. Notably, Kenyans on social media raised over KSh 700,000 for the man to take care of his young family.

One philanthropic Kenyan offered to pay a year’s salary for a househelp who could help Mwenda in taking care of his six-month-old daughter who was left behind by the deceased.


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