United Democratic Progressive Front (UDF) president Atupele Muluzi has hit back his critics over his use of presidential convoy during campaign period saying he never liked it.

After former president Peter Mutharika appointed Muluzi as his running mate for the fresh presidential elections, he (Muluzi) was given full presidential convoy and his security detail was beefed up.

Replying from one of the comments that accused him of using the convoy unlawfully, Muluzi said it was imposed on him saying he only had the privilege of the police escort.

“I only had the privileges of a police escort vehicle that is accorded to running mates,” Muluzi said.

The young Muluzi added that most of the cars used belonged to him personally.

“You will notice that most of the vehicles were my personal vehicles. The hummers, platforms etc,” he said.

According to Muluzi all past rung-mates were accorded the same.

In his remarks, Muluzi said he never like it but the police insisted saying it was part of the security.

He therefore added that if there is a bill coming on his way for using the presidential convoy he is willing to pay.

“Notwithstanding though, if there is a bill coming my way I will gladly pay. I have resources for that,” he challenged.




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