The video, posted on Instagram and Twitter by Miami-based filmmaker Billy Corben, indicates the incident took place on Wednesday, July 1st.

The footage begins with two masked police officers speaking to a 21-year-old woman identified as Paris Anderson.

The conversation appears to turn heated, as Anderson steps close to one of the officers, identified as Sgt. Anthony Rodriguez, and continues to argue with him.

“What you want to do?” Anderson demands, at which point Rodriguez suddenly pulls back and delivers a punch to Anderson’s face.

Miami-Dade police Director Alfredo Ramirez addressed the video Wednesday night after it had circulated through the department.

“I am shocked and angered by a body cam video that I just saw involving one of our officers,” Ramirez said in a statement posted on social media. “I’ve immediately initiated an investigation and ordered that the involved officers be relieved of duty.

“Actions such as these undermine the hard work that we have invested in our community and causes my heart to break for our community and for the vast majority of our officers who dedicate their lives to serving our county. This will not stand, and I assure our community that any officer acting in this vein will be held to account.”

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