State President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera has come out of his cocoon to comment on the delay in releasing full Cabinet

Last week Chakwera promised to release a full member Cabinet before his inauguration on July 6, 2020 at Kamuzu Barracks Parade Ground in the capital Lilongwe.

But till today Chakwera is yet to release the Cabinet, attracting mixed reactions with many accusing Chakwera of cheating Malawians.

Writing on his official facebook page, Chakwera said the delay in releasing Cabinet is due to the fact that the list was further subject to another scrutiny.

“I know you are anxious to hear an announcement of the new cabinet. In part, this is because I myself gave you the expectation to hear this announcement no later than my inauguration on July 6. But on second thought, Dr. Chilima and I decided to subject the list to another battery of scrutiny in order to be doubly sure that we are offering Malawians a well-balanced team of high-performing servant leaders who will bring forth the fruits of our Tonse Philosophy.

“As such, I thank you for your patience with this rigorous process and beg your pardon for the necessary delay, though I will be announcing the cabinet any day now,” wrote Chakwera.

He added: “Having promised to form a cabinet of no more than 30 members, of which no less than 12 are to be women, the number of qualified people under consideration exceeds the number of cabinet portfolios. For this reason, the task requires considerable thought and prayer on our part and will require understanding and trust on yours. What is certain is that we will still need the remarkable men and women who end up not getting a cabinet appointment this time around to be put to good use elsewhere in the service of Malawians. This is because the work of draining the swamp, clearing the rubble, overhauling the rotten systems of the state, and building new systems cannot be the preserve of Cabinet Ministers alone.”

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