A Kenyan lady has stirred debate on social media after publicly stating she will only consider marriage to a man who is able and willing to pay $4 million (over 2 Billion Kwacha) in bride price.

Elsa Majimbo, a content creator, made the comment while appearing as a guest on The Wicked Edition weekly show which is hosted by comedian Dr Kingori on NTV.

“I just wanna make things clear. I have a type (of partner) and my type is rich. You know? (laughs). What I expect is that someone who is broke or someone who doesn’t have money shouldn’t approach me. I tell you what to expect,” she said.

“First of all, my dowry is $4 million. If you are unable to afford that… (laughs)… I cannot even consider,” she went on.

She then attempted to justify her position.

“I have been raised in a nice home, nice house, and then now you shift onto someone who doesn’t have money. How does that work?” she posed.

Not done, Elsa also shared her experiences on the characters she dislikes in potential dates.

“I don’t like people who come late for a date. And then you don’t say sorry, as in you do not give an explanation, that is rude.”

Her sentiments evoked comical reaction from controversial radio presenter Andrew Kibe who was also appearing on the show as a guest.

“This is madness! Why the h*ll are women putting value on themselves as propriety? You think I’ll ever let you go anywhere if I’ve paid $4 million as dowry? When I come to the house you have to come to me crawling,” Kibe said as he went down on his knees to dramatise.

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