Villagers in Hwange were left shell shocked after a 65-year-old man hanged himself in his family’s graveyard. The man left behind a suicide note blaming his wife for his death saying he was tired of living with his wife.

understands that Never Sibanda of Siamateme village under Chief Nelukoba addressed the suicide note to his children. In what was a horrible and perhaps cruel parting shot, Sibanda told his children that he was killing himself because he could not live with their mother Sarah Ncube (47).

The Chronicle reports that the suicide note was found in the pocket of a jacket that Sibanda was wearing when he hanged himself. According to the police papers, the suicide note reads,

“Goodbye my children, stay safe. I have failed to stay with your mother. Yours father. (sic)”

The horrible development occured on Sunday night. Police sources told the publication that Sibanda and Ncube went to bed around 9 pm on Sunday. However, Sibanda woke up around midnight and told his wife that he was going outside as he could not sleep. Thinking everything was fine, Ncube went back to bed.

She raised alarm the next morning when she woke up and discovered that Sibanda had not returned to bed. Family members then set out to search for Sibanda and found him in the family graveyard where he had hanged himself.

Commenting on the matter, Chief Nekuloba ironically stated that he was concerned about the rise of domestic violence cases involving women as aggressors.

“I haven’t got full details on that one but I will investigate it. I am worried about cases of violence by women on their husbands judging by the cases I am handling. As we speak there is a man who came to report about domestic violence perpetrated by his wife and I have since summoned the couple to come on Thursday for hearing,” said Chief Nelukoba

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