In neighboring Zambia, a mother of three children has appealed for help to raise her kids after she recently gave birth to other three children (Quadruplets).

The babies, weighing between 800 and 900 grams, were born on 2nd July, 2020, according to Zambian Reports.

Doctors at Kitwe Teaching Hospital Head of Pediatrics were the woman delivered said the babies were stable and feeding well.

The Head of Pediatrics, Mate Mwambazi said the quadruplets, 3 boys and 1 girl, were transferred from the labour ward to the neo-natal ward immediately they were born.

And the mother of the babies Elizabeth Gondwe, aged 32, said she was happy that her children were fine, adding that it would not be easy for her and her husband to take care of them as they were already struggling to look after their other children.

Gondwe, who already has three children with her husband, said it was her wish to raise children in a healthy home.

Gondwe is appealing to well wishers to assist her financially or materially.

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