Salima First Grade Magistrate’s Court Friday sentenced a 29-year-old man, Simisi Dzovuta to eight years Imprisonment with Hard Labour (IHL) for offering an uncle for sale at K3.5 million.

According to Salima Police Publicist, Jacob Khembo, State Prosecutor, Sergeant, Edwin Wala told the Court that Dzovuta committed the offence on May 30, 2020 at Senga Bay in the district.

He told the Court that Dzovuta enticed his uncle to leave Dedza for Salima, lying to him that he had secured a job for him.

Khembo said as the two were on their way to Salima, Police acting on a tip, posed as buyers where the uncle was offered for sale a development that led to his arrest.

Dzovuta pleaded not guilty to the charge of abduction in order to subject the person to grievous harm which contravenes Section 263 of the Penal Code.

The State Prosecutor paraded three witnesses against him, whose evidence convinced the Court that Dzovuta indeed committed the crime.

Wala pleaded with the Court to impose a stiffer punishment on the accused saying the conduct was strange in a Malawian society.

In mitigation, Dzovuta asked for forgiveness and said that he committed the offence under the influence of the devil.

First Grade Magistrate, Alex Kamtiki sentenced him to eight years IHL.

Dzovuta comes from Njolo Village in the area of Traditional Authority (TA) Kaphuka in Dedza.


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