Two men have been sentenced to 14 years Imprisonment with Hard Labor for thieving K16, 570, 000at Meru Filling Station at Chintheche Trading Center in Nkhata Bay.

The two men are identified as Francis Charles Chipi aged 35 and Mbiri Nkhoma aged 38, pleaded guilty of the crime which is believed to have been committed on the night of January 8 this year.

According to State Prosecutor, Pleasant Sichali, Chipi and Nkhoma and five other suspects first tied-up the watchmen and fuel attendants with ropes before robbing the money from the cash safe.

“Immediately the matter was reported to Nkhata Bay police station for investigations which led to the apprehension of all the seven. Little amounts of money plus some property bought using the stolen money were recovered. All the seven suspects were charged with robbery,” he told the court.

But appearing in court on July 11, five of the suspects denied the offence while Chipi and Nkhoma pleaded guilty to the charge.

According to Nkhata Bay Police publicist, Kondwani James, the court proceeded with cases of those who accepted the offence as the rest will wait for witnesses.

Sichali in his submission prayed for stiffer sentence to deter would-be offenders.

Passing the sentence, First Grade Magistrate Robert Makaika concurred with the state prosecutor on the need to mete out a stiffer punishment arguing the offence  attracts a maximum sentence of 14 years IHL.

Makaika then slapped the two criminals with a maximum sentence with effect from the date of arrest on June 18 this year.

The Magistrate further pronounced that the recovered money and some property bought using the stolen cash must be given to the owner of the filling station, Peter Katasya.

Francis Charles Chipi hails from Kazembe village in the area of Traditional Authority Chikowi in Zomba while Mbiri Nkhoma, 38, comes from Tchawale village, Traditional Authority Kayembe in Dowa.

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