Chikande Health Centre in Ntcheu Bwanje South Constituency has been operating for 10 years without running water after unknown people vandalized pipes in 2010.

Member of Parliament (MP) for the Constituency, Mwisho Chilikumtima launched a K5 million Water Project in the area on Friday,
Officer In-Charge for the Health Centre, Mphatso Dzenza said the development was posing a healthy risk at the facility due to poor hygiene.

He said it was very challenging to conduct their duties in absence of water considering that the facility has a maternity wing that usually needs water to clean up women after delivery.

“The problem has existed for 10 years a development which is worrisome to us as we consider water as much vital as medicine,” Dzenza pointed out.

He added that the area has registered two cases of Covid-19 pandemic putting lives of people in the area at risk of contracting the disease since water was a challenge.

One of the guardians at the maternity wing at the hospital, Allena Owen said they travel long distances to a communal borehole to fetch water to assist them at the maternity.

” We are pleading with authorities to consider us with at least a borehole at the hospital,” she said.

Chilikumtima said the project, under Constituency Development Fund (CDF), would help to reinstall water pipes at the Centre to deal with the challenges the hospital has been facing.

“We have decided to consider fixing water problems at the Health Centre upon realizing that water is life hence the need to be available to all,” he said.

During the launch of the water project, the MP handed over an ambulance to ease mobility challenges in the area.

Chikande Health Centre has a catchment population of 19,700 people from Traditional Authorities (TA) Ganya, Makwangwala and Sub Traditional Authority (STA) Mkutumula in the district.


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